Support Our School
Ways to Support our School
We are grateful for the many parents, grandparents and parishioners at Saint Anthony who support us financially on an ongoing basis. We know that you are as committed as we are to fulfilling the mission of the Church through Catholic education and without your help, we would not be able to keep tuition at an affordable level for many of our families.
The actual cost to teach each child at our school is considerably higher than the tuition charged, and our parish helps to bridge that gap.
Cash Gifts
One of the best way to support our school is via cash gifts. You may make a general donation to the school, or designate funds for a specific purpose. Donations may be given by calling the school office. You may also make a donation in person by coming to the school office. If your employer or company offers a matching gift program, this would be a great way to increase the value of your donation.
Each family with children attending our school is required to volunteer for 30 hours service in support of the school. We welcome additional volunteers as you help our parish and school run smoothly. If you would like to get involved, you are required to complete fingerprint screening, background checks and successfully pass a safe environment training test. This is one of the ways we maintain a safe environment for all school children.
Please click here and follow the directions to complete the fingerprint screening and safe environment training process. (En Español)
Fundraising Events
Throughout each school year the school hosts a number of fundraising events. These are opportunities for our school, parish and wider community to come together and have fun! All members of the community are welcome to attend, participate and help raise funds to support the school.
Box Tops for Education
Look out for Box Top labels on many grocery and household supply items. Trim the lables and send them into school. These labels can be found on many pantry items that you are already purchasing.
Amazon Smile
Support our school while you shop on Amazon.com! It doesn't cost you a thing, but a percentage of eligible purchases will be sent to us. Please click below to learn more.