A Legacy of Spiritual Growth and Academic Excellence
Our History
Saint Anthony Catholic School: A Legacy of Growth and Excellence
Saint Anthony Catholic School was founded in 1993 with a Pre-K program and Kindergarten. A teacher was hired to act as principal and in the following years the school grew adding a class each year, and adding two new school buildings to our campus. Our first class of eighth graders graduated in 2002 and we are proud to say that Saint Anthony has a full program for students from Pre-K through 8th grade.
We are a growing school and continue to see our registration numbers increase each year. We have approximately 230 students enrolled and have 30 administration, teaching and support staff members. In the 2011/2012 school year we acquired more space to accommodate our growing Pre-K program and now offer three Pre-K 4 classes participating in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Program (VPK) which provides access to free quality preschool education to our families, parishioners and the wider community.
Thanks to the generous support of parishioners, we have recently added a T.E.A.L. Lab (Technology Enhanced Active Learning Lab) and upgraded our computer lab. In addition to our laptops in the classrooms, we are also introducing iPads for student use in grades K-8. Even our preschool children have computers and iPads as a part of their day.
Our School Board and Finance Committee work closely with the Administration to develop the strategic plan for our school ensuring that our solid growth continues in the future.
Thanks to the forethought of Father Quinn, St. Anthony Catholic School also has an endowment fund. The funds have been left to grow in the Endowment Fund. The Endowment Committee voted to use the interest for a much needed cover on our basketball/PE court, which provides some valuable shade from our hot Florida sun for our students.

Saint Anthony Catholic School is accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference (FCC) which is recognized by the Sunshine State Standards for Education. Our initial accreditation was granted in 2004 and in the 2018/2019 school year we received reaccreditation. Our visiting accreditation team were impressed with the ethos and education standard at our school saying:
"Saint Anthony Catholic School should feel proud of its growth and development from a voluntary parish preschool into a pre-K4 through 8th grade Catholic elementary school accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference in fewer than twenty years. Furthermore, the Visiting Team found a school community that is to be commended for its commitment to Catholic education. It was apparent when the Team spoke with parents and students that they truly love the school and appreciate the school‘s faith-based, safe, family-oriented environment. On many occasions throughout the visit, the team heard repeated compliments from various stakeholders on the quality of leadership from the pastor and the principal as well as the unwavering dedication of the faculty and staff. The commitment to the children and the families that are served by the school is outstanding."
The accreditation process is repeated every seven years and helps our school identify what we are doing well and ensures that we do not 'rest on our laurels' and make improvements where we can. This process also guarantees that Saint Anthony Catholic School constantly strives for excellence and continues to deliver a high standard of academic success, and support the faith formation of our students.